
Academic Writers Code of Ethics

Writing academic texts without academic integrity can have serious consequences. A great example would be the story of Stephen Glass. Due to him not having proper academic integrity when writing, he had to face the consequences of his actions. So in order for you to avoid those consequences, you should follow specific ethical standards and rules when writing academic texts. You should properly cite valid and credible sources, write coherent and cohesive sentences, and write organized paragraphs that are easy to navigate.

It is important to cite your sources so that readers can review and compare your text to the original source. Furthermore, it helps the reader check the accuracy and validity of your text because it gives the readers the ability to evaluate your sources. Moreover, it prevents plagiarism and gives credit to the original writers of the source materials. Lastly, it can help the readers identify whether the text written is credible, fabricated, or manipulated.

In addition to citing your sources, you should also focus on writing coherent and cohesive sentences that do not contradict each other. Coherent and cohesive ideas not only support the writer’s arguments, it can also help the readers understand the points brought by the author. Furthermore, incoherent and incohesive sentences can make the text hard to read and understand. Therefore, preventing the readers from understanding the points and arguments in the text.

Lastly, organizing the structure of your text is essential in writing academic texts. It is crucial when writing academic papers because it can help the readers understand the central or main idea of your essay. Moreover, it can help the readers easily skim through and navigate through your paragraphs and sentences. Thus, allowing them to easily locate specific information in the text and save time.

Because ignoring academic integrity can have serious consequences, writers should follow proper ethical standards and rules. They should provide their source materials when writing since it helps support their credibility and prevent them from plagiarizing their source. Moreover, they should write coherent and cohesive sentences so that they can have logical arguments that the readers can understand. Lastly, they should also prioritize the organization of their essay so that the readers would have an easier time navigating the text. Following these rules and standards can help support and benefit the writers because it prevents them from making common mistakes and errors that can possibly harm their text.

#2021-2022 #Grade-12