
A New Beginning

It was the first week of classes. I’m at my home preparing for each class. I’m not a confident person, any activity where I have to communicate with people I do not know much about is very exhausting, so I started feeling nervous and afraid. I did not hate online classes as much as others do because I knew that if it were a class where I have to stay away from home with people that I’m unfamiliar with, it would have been an uncomfortable and stressful experience. I feel very awkward whenever I have to work with my classmates because of my awful social skills. Whenever I get called to answer a question, my heart beats so fast from nervousness. During my first week, I kept quiet because I know how terrible I am at conversations and social activities. I feel anxious at every start of the class. I was feeling very thankful that people I know, like some of my former classmates and my sister, are in the same school as me. I remember my former teacher telling me that if I don’t get out of my comfort zone, then I won’t go anywhere in life. I started to feel a bit motivated and try to be more confident. I still try to be the confident, smart, and active person that my parents want me to be because I know that if I don’t give my best, then all the efforts of my parents would be wasted. During the first week, there were many lessons that I was able to remember and lessons that I was unfamiliar with like conics, solar nebula theory, and more. There were a lot of instances where I was confused mostly because of the lessons that weren’t taught or discussed during my previous lessons in my former school. I spent my time after classes resting and sleeping because I felt very tired after class. So in conclusion, I was usually anxious and nervous during the first week of school, but I try to do my best in every class. I was usually confused by the lessons that I haven’t encountered, but many lessons were familiar. I realized something at the end of the week, and that is that this is only a new beginning in my life.

#2020-2021 #Grade-11